Timuel D. Black, Jr. Fund for Chicago's South Side

This fund honors and celebrates the life and work of the late acclaimed historian and civil rights activist, Timuel D. Black, Jr.

The Fund will support grantees with planning and capital projects in their effort to preserve and promote the history, culture, and architecture of Chicago’s South Side. 

These grants are intended to provide monetary assistance to preserve or protect significant structures or sites. Eligible beneficiaries of Timuel D. Black, Jr. Fund grants are significant structures or sites located on Chicago’s South Side that are of such architectural or cultural importance that their preservation will benefit the public and community.

The Timuel D. Black, Jr. Fund Grant Guidelines can be found at Landmarks.org. A project must be for the purpose of preserving through rehabilitation, restoration or adaptive reuse, all or part of an Eligible Structure or Site. A project may include one or more of the following services provided each service can satisfy the project conditions described in the Grant Guidelines: 

  • Engineering, architectural, and feasibility studies 
  • Stabilization 
  • Rehabilitation 
  • Legal services 
  • Surveys and National Register Nominations 

Grants are awarded from the Fund to planning, capital, and other projects related to the Fund’s purpose. Eligible applicants include commercial property owners, business owners, nonprofit and community organizations, faith-based and educational institutions. A 3:1 match of awarded grant funds is required. Grants range from $500 - $10,000. 

Grant Boundaries
    The South Side is approximately defined as the following boundaries:
    · South of Cermak Road;
    · West of Lake Michigan;
    · East of S. Ashland Avenue;
    · North of the southern boundary of the city of Chicago. 

Application deadlines: January 1 and July 1

Suzanne Germann, Director of Reinvestment
(312) 922-1742


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